ETF Strategist
Broad Exposure
Downside Mitigation
Risk Management
Dynamic Portfolios
Tactical Allocation
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Your Client We help you manage your client's risk exposure, providing them more of the global market's potential Learn More Advisor Registration Empower Manage Risk Using regime-based investing combined with advanced risk detection algorithms. Striving for lower drawdowns without sacrificing market potential. Advisor Registration We help

Client Focused Solutions

The Instinct Strategies span the efficient frontier and can be used as building blocks to create tailored solutipns fitting the needs of the client.

Seasoned Professionals

At the heart of the firm is over six decades of investment experience that has learned from prior market cycles.

Risk Managed Approach

Strategies are built using an empirically based methodology to detect changes in global market risk.

Innovative Approach

Auour is recognized as an innovator in downside protections strategies, advancing investment practices for the benefit of the individual investor.

Advanced Technology

At the heart of the Instinct Strategies is the Auour Regime Model (ARM), a proprietary algorithm that monitors risk across global investment markets.

Partner In All Cycles

The firm strives to produce superior results no matter the market environment so that clients can feel comfortable investing in the public markets.

Analyze the Market

Our proprietary algorithm, Auour Regime Model (ARM), pulls market data from the around the globe on a nightly basis in order to assess market risk.



Detect Changes to Risk

The Auour Regime Model aims to detect changes in the risk appetite of the global investor universe before it is reflected in asset prices.

Implemented with ETFs

Once the market risk has been assessed, broad-based ETFs are utilized to gain the desired global exposures.  Tracking to underlying index, cost, and liquidity are of utmost importance.


The Auour Instinct Strategies

Empirical evidence suggests that investors become risk adverse out of regret and often at the worst times.  Auour developed the Instinct Strategies in an attempt to eliminate that regret.  With a clean sheet of paper, we designed the Instinct family of strategies with the intent to drive superior performance by protecting wealth during market panics.

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